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[terminator easter egg] [04.April.2011] via Maya + Rhinoscript + IsoSurf
“””Yearly Tradition of Computational Easter Egg, had just rewatched terminator so was in the mood for metal”””
Option Explicit 'Script written by Luis Quinones 'Script copyrighted by [n]igma + complicit matter ' 'Script version Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:00:37 PM Call Main() Sub Main() Dim strLayer : strLayer = Rhino.AddLayer("Attractors") Dim strCrv : strCrv = Rhino.GetObject("CRV",4) Dim strMesh : strMesh = Rhino.GetObjects("Mesh",32) Dim crvPts : crvPts = Rhino.DivideCurve(strCrv,25) Dim i Dim j For j = 0 To Ubound(strMesh) Step 5 Dim mesharea : mesharea = Rhino.MeshArea(strMesh(j)) If mesharea(1) > 2000 Then Dim meshPts : meshPts = Rhino.MeshVertices(strMesh(j)) Dim centroid : centroid = Rhino.meshareaCentroid(strMesh(j)) Dim index : index = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(crvPts,centroid) Dim arrClostactualPoint : arrClostactualPoint = crvPts(index-3) Dim newLine : newLine = Rhino.AddLine(centroid,arrClostactualPoint) Dim newDiv : newDiv = Rhino.DivideCurve(newLine,4) Dim mainLine : mainLine = Rhino.AddLine(newDiv(1),arrClostactualPoint) Dim gripStart2 : gripStart2 = Rhino.CurveStartPoint(mainLine) Dim arrStart2 : arrStart2 = Rhino.AddPoint(gripStart2) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(arrStart2,strLayer) Dim gripEnd2 : gripEnd2 = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(mainLine) Dim arrEnd2 : arrEnd2 = Rhino.AddPoint(gripEnd2) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(arrEnd2,strLayer) Call Rhino.DeleteObject(newLine) For i = 0 To Ubound(meshPts) Dim strGrip : strGrip = Rhino.AddLine(newDiv(1),meshPts(i)) Dim gripStart : gripStart = Rhino.CurveStartPoint(strGrip) Dim arrStart : arrStart = Rhino.AddPoint(gripStart) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(arrStart,strLayer) Dim gripEnd : gripEnd = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(strGrip) Dim arrEnd : arrEnd = Rhino.AddPoint(gripEnd) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(arrEnd,strLayer) Next End If Next Call Rhino.Command ("SelDup") Call Rhino.Command ("Delete") End Sub Update
Option Explicit 'Script written by Luis Quinones 'Script copyrighted by [n]igma + studioBoom ' ' 'Script version Sunday, March 20, 2011 8:08:03 PM Call Main() Sub Main() '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Call Rhino.MessageBox("Code Generates Mesh OffSets and Frames Based on Luminance Values coming from Geometry Painted with PaintVertex Tool in Maya") 'Declare Variables Dim strMainLayer : strMainLayer = Rhino.AddLayer("MainMesh") Dim strObject : strObject = Rhino.GetObject("Select mesh", 32) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(strObject,strMainLayer) MeshFaces Dim arrFaces : arrFaces = Rhino.MeshFaces(strObject, True) Dim color : color = Rhino.MeshVertexColors(strObject) Dim arrFace(3),arrHLS(3) Dim arrFaceVertices2() Dim strLayer6 : strLayer6 = Rhino.AddLayer("BaseCrvs",RGB(255,0,0)) Dim strLayer2 : strLayer2 = Rhino.AddLayer("OffsetCrv",RGB(255,0,0)) Dim strLayer : strLayer = Rhino.AddLayer("OffSetMesh",RGB(255,0,0)) Dim strLayer3 : strLayer3 = Rhino.AddLayer("FrameDog",RGB(255,255,255)) Dim strLayer5 : strLayer5 = Rhino.AddLayer("0_ValueOffSet",RGB(120,120,120)) Dim strLayer4 : strLayer4 = Rhino.AddLayer("Color_Vert_Info",RGB(255,255,0)) Dim i,j '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If IsArray(arrFaces) Then Rhino.EnableRedraw False i = 0 Do While i <= UBound(arrFaces) arrFace(0) = arrFaces(i) arrFace(1) = arrFaces(i+1) arrFace(2) = arrFaces(i+2) arrFace(3) = arrFaces(i+3) arrHLS(0) = Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS(color(i)) 'Call Rhino.Print(arrHLS(0)(1)/240) arrHLS(1) = Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS(color(i+1)) 'Call Rhino.Print(arrHLS(1)(1)/240) arrHLS(2) = Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS(color(i+2)) 'Call Rhino.Print(arrHLS(2)(1)/240) arrHLS(3) = Rhino.ColorRGBToHLS(color(i+3)) 'Call Rhino.Print(arrHLS(3)(1)/240) 'Call Rhino.AddTextDot("Vert 0" & "_" & arrHLS(0)(1)/240,arrface(0)) 'Call Rhino.AddTextDot("Vert 1" & "_" & arrHLS(1)(1)/240,arrface(1)) 'Call Rhino.AddTextDot("Vert 2" & "_" & arrHLS(2)(1)/240,arrface(2)) 'Call Rhino.AddTextDot("Vert 3" & "_" & arrHLS(3)(1)/240,arrface(3)) Dim sum : sum = Rhino.Sum(Array(arrHLS(0)(1)/240,arrHLS(1)(1)/240,arrHLS(2)(1)/240,arrHLS(3)(1)/240)) Dim ave : ave = sum/4 'If ave < 0.015 Then 'ave = 0.015 'End If 'Call Rhino.Print(ave) Dim line : line = Rhino.AddLine(arrFace(0),arrFace(2)) Dim midpt : midpt = Rhino.CurveMidPoint(line) Call Rhino.DeleteObject(line) 'Dim dot1 : dot1 = Rhino.AddTextDot("Scale_Value = " & ave,midpt) 'Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(dot1,strLayer4) Dim arrVertices : arrVertices = Array(arrFace(0),arrFace(1),arrFace(2),arrFace(3)) Dim arrVerticesNEW : arrVerticesNEW = Array(arrFace(0),arrFace(1),arrFace(2),arrFace(3),arrFace(0)) '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For j = 0 To 3 ReDim Preserve arrFaceVertices2(j) arrFaceVertices2(j) = Array(0,1,2,3) Next '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dim newMesh : newMesh = Rhino.AddMesh (arrVertices, arrFaceVertices2) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(newMesh,strLayer5) Dim meshCent : meshCent = Rhino.MeshAreaCentroid(newMesh) Dim strPoly : strPoly = Rhino.AddPolyline(arrVerticesNEW) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(strPoly,strLayer6) Dim strPoly2 : strPoly2 = Rhino.AddPolyline(arrVerticesNEW) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(strPoly2,strLayer6) '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If ave > 0 And ave < 0.9 Then Dim scaleMesh : scaleMesh = Rhino.ScaleObject(newMesh,meshCent,Array(ave,ave,ave)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(scaleMesh,strLayer) Dim scaleSrf : scaleSrf = Rhino.ScaleObject(strPoly,meshCent,Array(ave,ave,ave)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(scaleSrf,strLayer2) Dim strlofty : strlofty = Rhino.AddLoftSrf(Array(strPoly2,scaleSrf)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(strLofty,strLayer3) Call Rhino.SurfaceIsocurveDensity(strlofty,-1) 'Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(join) End If '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// If ave >= 0.9 Then Dim scaleMesh3 : scaleMesh3 = Rhino.ScaleObject(newMesh,meshCent,Array(ave-0.05,ave-0.05,ave-0.05)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(scaleMesh3,strLayer) Dim scaleSrf3 : scaleSrf3 = Rhino.ScaleObject(strPoly,meshCent,Array(ave-0.05,ave-0.05,ave-0.05)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(scaleSrf3,strLayer2) strlofty = Rhino.AddLoftSrf(Array(strPoly2,scaleSrf3)) Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(strLofty,strLayer3) Call Rhino.SurfaceIsocurveDensity(strlofty,-1) 'Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(join3) End If i = i + 4 Erase arrFaceVertices2 Loop '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Rhino.EnableRedraw True End If Call Rhino.LayerVisible(strLayer2,False) Call Rhino.LayerVisible(strLayer4,False) Call Rhino.LayerVisible(strMainLayer,False) Call Rhino.LayerVisible(strLayer6,False) End Sub Update
Option Explicit 'Script written by Luis Quinones 'Script copyrighted by [n]igma + studioBoom ' ' 'Script version Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:56:59 AM Call Main() Sub Main() 'DECLATE ALL VARIABLE BY TYPE Dim arrCrvs,arrCrvDiv Dim gens Dim i,j,k,L Dim arrPtCoordinates,IndClosestCrv, arrcrvParam,crvPt,arrcrvPts() Dim dist,count, vector, dblratio,NewPostion,AttThresh,compThresh Dim newcurve,arrNewPos() Dim arrCompAttract ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'INPUTS 'get curves arrCrvs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select crvs",4) 'set generations gens = Rhino.GetReal("Set Number of Gens / Steps") compThresh = Rhino.GetReal("Set thresh for comp",3,0,1150) AttThresh = Rhino.GetReal("Set Threshhold for line attractors",2,0,1159) 'amount for vector to move dblratio = Rhino.GetReal("set distance for vector to move") 'very beginning of main Dim arrItems : arrItems = Array ("Animate", "Off", "On") Dim arrDefaults : arrDefaults = Array (True) 'off is the defaul 'in the beginning of main with other user inputs Dim arrIterationBlnReturn : arrIterationBlnReturn = Rhino.GetBoolean ("Would you like to ", arrItems, arrDefaults) If Not isArray(arrIterationBlnReturn) Then Exit Sub 'For exporting images If arrIterationBlnReturn(0) = "True" Then Dim intIterationsPerImage : intIterationsPerImage = Rhino.GetInteger ("export images once in how many iterations?", 1, 1) If isNull (arrIterationBlnReturn) Then Exit Sub 'hardcoded variables: 'CHANGE THE FILE NAME TO AN EXISTING FOLDER - THE LAST PART IS THE BEGINNING OF THE FILE NAME Dim strFilename : strFilename = "C:UsersEmergentDesktop" Dim dblImageXSize : dblImageXSize = 968 Dim dblImageYSize : dblImageYSize = 462 Dim intImageCounter : intImageCounter = 0 'turn off unwanted screen info Dim strView : strView = Rhino.CurrentView() Rhino.ShowGrid strView, False Rhino.ShowGridAxes strView, False Rhino.ShowViewTitle strView, False Rhino.ShowWorldAxes strView, False Call exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intImageCounter) End If '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False) 'loops through generation For i = 0 To gens 'looping through curves For j = 0 To Ubound (arrCrvs) arrCrvDiv = Rhino.CurvePoints (arrCrvs(j)) 'looping through points of the current curve For k = 0 To Ubound (arrCrvDiv) Dim arrCompAttractStr : arrCompAttractStr = Rhino.ObjectsByLayer("Attractors") Dim arrCheckPnt For Each arrCheckPnt In arrCompAttractStr If Not IsPoint(arrCheckPnt) Then Rhino.TextOut "something in the (Attract_Points_Comp) layer is not points....its been deleted!" Call Rhino.DeleteObject(arrCheckPnt) 'Call Rhino.Command("Sellayer") End If Next 'Rhino.Print (arrCompAttractStr(0)) arrCompAttract = arrCompAttractStr Dim g For g=0 To Ubound(arrCompAttractStr) arrCompAttract(g) = Rhino.PointCoordinates(arrCompAttractStr(g)) Next 'set threshold for attractor Dim IndClosestAtt : IndClosestAtt = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCompAttract,arrCrvDiv(k)) 'storing the index of Dim attPt : attPt = arrCompAttract(IndClosestAtt) ' distance between point and closest point on each curve (index) Dim dist2 : dist2 = Rhino.Distance(attPt,arrCrvDiv(k)) 'is that distance less than If dist2 < compThresh Then NewPostion = attPt Else count = 0 'looping through the curves to find closest point For L = 0 To Ubound(arrCrvs) 'you need to check the closest curve from each point (except yourself) If Not j = L Then arrcrvParam = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(arrCrvs(L),arrCrvDiv(k)) crvPt = Rhino.EvaluateCurve(arrCrvs(L),arrcrvParam) ReDim Preserve arrcrvPts(count) arrcrvPts(count) = crvPt count = count + 1 End If Next 'find closest point IndClosestCrv = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrcrvPts,arrCrvDiv(k)) crvPt = arrcrvPts(IndClosestCrv) ' distance between point and closest point on each curve (index) dist = Rhino.Distance(arrCrvDiv(k), crvPt) 'compare distance to threshold If dist < AttThresh Then 'create vector using index of the closest pt and array of control point(s) vector = Rhino.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv(k)) vector = Rhino.VectorScale(vector,dblratio) NewPostion = Rhino.VectorAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv(k)) Else 'however if distance > threshold then the NEWPOSITION will be the previous POSITION. NewPostion = arrCrvDiv(k) End If End If ReDim Preserve arrNewPos(k) 'make array of new point positions to use for drawing curve arrNewPos(k) = NewPostion Next newcurve = Rhino.AddCurve(arrNewPos,3) Call Rhino.DeleteObject(arrCrvs(j)) arrCrvs(j) = newcurve ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If arrIterationBlnReturn(0) = "True" Then If i Mod intIterationsPerImage = 0 Then intImageCounter = intImageCounter + 1 Call exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intImageCounter) End If End If Next Next ' Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True) End Sub Sub exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intIteration) Dim strNumber 'create a number for the image, additional zeros are added to ensure the files are read in the correct order by photoshop batch actions If intIteration < 9 Then strNumber = "000" & (intIteration + 1) ElseIf intIteration > 8 And intIteration < 99 Then strNumber = "00" & (intIteration + 1) ElseIf intIteration > 98 And intIteration < 999 Then strNumber = "0" & (intIteration + 1) Else strNumber = intIteration + 1 End If 'send the image to an appropriately named file Rhino.CreatePreviewImage strFilename & strNumber & ".png", strView, array(dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize), ,True End Sub Update
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