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Minimal Pathways Studies [2010] – via Python + Rhinoscript
“”” The input is a Text File containing XYZ info as well as deformation values. The code rebuilds the geometry from scratch based on XYZ coordinates, these coordinates are used to re-create the mesh in 3D and paint the vertices based on the value range. This is very useful in recreating and making the structural color maps as drivers in actual geometry instead of simple Textures
. Options
. Paint driven influence
. Pull to different geometry
. Attraction Type
""" Script written by <Luis Quinones> """ import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import math from System.Drawing import Color import scriptcontext def ColorAction(arrVerts,color,pos): index = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrVerts,pos) result = color[index] colorR = rs.ColorRedValue(result) lum = colorR/255 return lum def Main(): arrItems = [("Want to use Paint Driver ?",True),("Wanna Pull It to Something",False)] arrOptionsBln = rs.CheckListBox(arrItems,"CHOOSE","Attraction_Type") arrItems2 = [("Attraction Threshold",True),("Vector Move Scale Factor",False), ("Paint Affects Both",False)] arrOptionsBln2 = rs.CheckListBox(arrItems2,"CHOOSE","Paint_Influence") if not arrOptionsBln2: print "Options not array" if not arrOptionsBln: print "Options not array" MeshAction = arrOptionsBln[0] print MeshAction pullGeom = arrOptionsBln[1] print pullGeom AttractorThreshold = arrOptionsBln2[0] print AttractorThreshold[1] VectorTranslationScaling = arrOptionsBln2[1] print VectorTranslationScaling DoubleActionPaint = arrOptionsBln2[2] print DoubleActionPaint Gens = rs.GetInteger("Number of Generations",6,1) Curves = rs.GetObjects("Select Base Crvs",rs.filter.curve) Attract = rs.GetReal("CurvePointAttractionThreshold") dblRatio = rs.GetReal("Distance For Vector To Move") arrRebuildCount = rs.GetInteger("Curve Rebuild CP Count") Rebuild = rs.GetInteger("Degree To Rebuild Curves") strLayerNew = rs.AddLayer("NEWCURVES", Color.Red) if bool(pullGeom[1]) == True : srfArr = rs.GetObjects("Meshes to pull to",0) pullthreshold = rs.GetReal("Set Thresh for mesh attractor") snapThreshold = rs.GetReal("Set Snap Threshold") ratio = rs.GetReal("Ratio of Distance to move") if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True : strLayer = rs.AddLayer("ptStore", Color.White) strObject = rs.GetObject("ColorMesh",filter = 32,select = False) if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: arrVerts = rs.MeshVertices(strObject) color = rs.MeshVertexColors(strObject) for i in range(Gens): if scriptcontext.escape_test(False): print "ESC pressed " break rs.EnableRedraw(False) for j in range(len(Curves)): if scriptcontext.escape_test(False): print "ESC pressed " break rs.RebuildCurve(Curves[j],Rebuild,arrRebuildCount) arrNewPos = [] PointCount = rs.CurvePointCount(Curves[j]) arrCrvDiv = rs.CurvePoints(Curves[j]) if arrCrvDiv: test = "0" else: print "Nope" for k in range(PointCount): if scriptcontext.escape_test(False): print "ESC pressed " break arrCrvPts = [] if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: threshMult = ColorAction(arrVerts,color,arrCrvDiv[k]) if threshMult < 0.2 : threshMult == 0 else: threshMult = 1 if bool(VectorTranslationScaling[1]) == True: #print "only will affect VECTOR" dblRatio2 = dblRatio*threshMult print "dblRatio2 = " + str(dblRatio2) newThreshold = Attract print "Thresh = " + str(newThreshold) for L in range(len(Curves)): if scriptcontext.escape_test(False): print "ESC pressed " break if bool(AttractorThreshold[1]) == True: newThreshold = Attract * threshMult dblRatio2 = dblRatio if bool(DoubleActionPaint[1]) == True: dblRatio2 = dblRatio*threshMult newThreshold = Attract * threshMult print "dblRatio2 = " + str(dblRatio2) print "Thresh = " + str(newThreshold) if j != L : arrCrvParam = rs.CurveClosestPoint(Curves[L],arrCrvDiv[k]) crvPt = rs.EvaluateCurve(Curves[L],arrCrvParam) arrCrvPts.append(crvPt) IndClosestCrv = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCrvPts,arrCrvDiv[k]) #print "NextClosestIndex = ",IndClosestCrv crvPt = arrCrvPts[IndClosestCrv] #print crvPt dist = rs.Distance(arrCrvDiv[k],crvPt) if dist < newThreshold : vector = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) vector = rs.VectorScale(vector,dblRatio2) NewPosition = rs.PointAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: NewPosition = arrCrvDiv[k] arrNewPos.append(NewPosition) newcurve = rs.AddCurve(arrNewPos,Rebuild) rs.EnableRedraw(True) rs.ObjectLayer(newcurve,strLayerNew) rs.DeleteObject(Curves[j]) #rs.ObjectColor(newcurve,[j,j,j]) Curves[j] = newcurve basecrvs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(strLayerNew) rs.EnableRedraw(True) Main() Update
Option Explicit 'Script written by Luis Quinones 'Script copyrighted by 'Script version Saturday, August 01, 2009 9:56:59 AM Call Main() Sub Main() 'DECLATE ALL VARIABLE BY TYPE Dim arrCrvs,arrCrvDiv Dim gens Dim i,j,k,L Dim arrPtCoordinates,IndClosestCrv, arrcrvParam,crvPt,arrcrvPts() Dim dist,count, vector, dblratio,NewPostion,AttThresh,compThresh Dim newcurve,arrNewPos() Dim arrCompAttract ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'INPUTS 'get curves arrCrvs = Rhino.GetObjects("Select crvs",4) 'set generations gens = Rhino.GetReal("Set Number of Gens / Steps") compThresh = Rhino.GetReal("Set thresh for comp",3,0,1150) AttThresh = Rhino.GetReal("Set Threshhold for line attractors",2,0,1159) 'amount for vector to move dblratio = Rhino.GetReal("set distance for vector to move") 'very beginning of main Dim arrItems : arrItems = Array ("Animate", "Off", "On") Dim arrDefaults : arrDefaults = Array (True) 'off is the defaul 'in the beginning of main with other user inputs Dim arrIterationBlnReturn : arrIterationBlnReturn = Rhino.GetBoolean ("Would you like to ", arrItems, arrDefaults) If Not isArray(arrIterationBlnReturn) Then Exit Sub 'For exporting images If arrIterationBlnReturn(0) = "True" Then Dim intIterationsPerImage : intIterationsPerImage = Rhino.GetInteger ("export images once in how many iterations?", 1, 1) If isNull (arrIterationBlnReturn) Then Exit Sub 'hardcoded variables: 'CHANGE THE FILE NAME TO AN EXISTING FOLDER - THE LAST PART IS THE BEGINNING OF THE FILE NAME Dim strFilename : strFilename = "C:UsersEmergentDesktop" Dim dblImageXSize : dblImageXSize = 968 Dim dblImageYSize : dblImageYSize = 462 Dim intImageCounter : intImageCounter = 0 'turn off unwanted screen info Dim strView : strView = Rhino.CurrentView() Rhino.ShowGrid strView, False Rhino.ShowGridAxes strView, False Rhino.ShowViewTitle strView, False Rhino.ShowWorldAxes strView, False Call exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intImageCounter) End If '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 'Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False) 'loops through generation For i = 0 To gens 'looping through curves For j = 0 To Ubound (arrCrvs) arrCrvDiv = Rhino.CurvePoints (arrCrvs(j)) 'looping through points of the current curve For k = 0 To Ubound (arrCrvDiv) Dim arrCompAttractStr : arrCompAttractStr = Rhino.ObjectsByLayer("Attract_Points_Comp") Dim arrCheckPnt For Each arrCheckPnt In arrCompAttractStr If Not IsPoint(arrCheckPnt) Then Rhino.TextOut "something in the (Attract_Points_Comp) layer is not points....its been deleted!" Call Rhino.DeleteObject(arrCheckPnt) 'Call Rhino.Command("Sellayer") End If Next 'Rhino.Print (arrCompAttractStr(0)) arrCompAttract = arrCompAttractStr Dim g For g=0 To Ubound(arrCompAttractStr) arrCompAttract(g) = Rhino.PointCoordinates(arrCompAttractStr(g)) Next 'set threshold for attractor Dim IndClosestAtt : IndClosestAtt = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCompAttract,arrCrvDiv(k)) 'storing the index of Dim attPt : attPt = arrCompAttract(IndClosestAtt) ' distance between point and closest point on each curve (index) Dim dist2 : dist2 = Rhino.Distance(attPt,arrCrvDiv(k)) 'is that distance less than If dist2 < compThresh Then NewPostion = attPt Else count = 0 'looping through the curves to find closest point For L = 0 To Ubound(arrCrvs) 'you need to check the closest curve from each point (except yourself) If Not j = L Then arrcrvParam = Rhino.CurveClosestPoint(arrCrvs(L),arrCrvDiv(k)) crvPt = Rhino.EvaluateCurve(arrCrvs(L),arrcrvParam) ReDim Preserve arrcrvPts(count) arrcrvPts(count) = crvPt count = count + 1 End If Next 'find closest point IndClosestCrv = Rhino.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrcrvPts,arrCrvDiv(k)) crvPt = arrcrvPts(IndClosestCrv) ' distance between point and closest point on each curve (index) dist = Rhino.Distance(arrCrvDiv(k), crvPt) 'compare distance to threshold If dist < AttThresh Then 'create vector using index of the closest pt and array of control point(s) vector = Rhino.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv(k)) vector = Rhino.VectorScale(vector,dblratio) NewPostion = Rhino.VectorAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv(k)) Else 'however if distance > threshold then the NEWPOSITION will be the previous POSITION. NewPostion = arrCrvDiv(k) End If End If ReDim Preserve arrNewPos(k) 'make array of new point positions to use for drawing curve arrNewPos(k) = NewPostion Next newcurve = Rhino.AddCurve(arrNewPos,3) Call Rhino.DeleteObject(arrCrvs(j)) arrCrvs(j) = newcurve ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If arrIterationBlnReturn(0) = "True" Then If i Mod intIterationsPerImage = 0 Then intImageCounter = intImageCounter + 1 Call exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intImageCounter) End If End If Next Next ' Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True) End Sub Sub exportImage(strFilename, dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize, strView, intIteration) Dim strNumber 'create a number for the image, additional zeros are added to ensure the files are read in the correct order by photoshop batch actions If intIteration < 9 Then strNumber = "000" & (intIteration + 1) ElseIf intIteration > 8 And intIteration < 99 Then strNumber = "00" & (intIteration + 1) ElseIf intIteration > 98 And intIteration < 999 Then strNumber = "0" & (intIteration + 1) Else strNumber = intIteration + 1 End If 'send the image to an appropriately named file Rhino.CreatePreviewImage strFilename & strNumber & ".png", strView, array(dblImageXSize, dblImageYSize), ,True End Sub Update
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