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PARAPRAXIS is a conceptual geometry study exploring the relationships between perception + mathematically driven computational geometry + human interference. It sets to destroy and mutate a rigid computationally driven geometric system to create a series of Rorschach studies. What starts out as a series of triple periodic minimal surfaces transitions and morphs into the unknown.
Each RSR base sequence is derived from a unique rule set of region construction with enough randomness built in to assure the inability to explicitly replicate. The glass was chosen as a way to represent the 3Dimensionality of the pieces. 30 Layered RSR Piece is made up of 30 pieces of glass each containing a specific “layer” of the sequence. While the spacing between each glass piece is consistent, each layer does not contain the same amount of information. The 3Dimensional geometric model was cut into slices, 65 of them to be exact. While there were only 30 pieces of glass, each layer did not contain an exact amount of slices. Depending on which areas required more transparency vs color density or opacity, layers were combined to create the desired effect. The “moment” as we described it was that specific moment in time where this piece was captured as it was exploding from the inside out on a computer simulation. The idea was to capture this almost like it was frozen in a glass cube, highlighting all of its volumetric qualities and color gradients and indexing that moment in time.
Thank you to Makenzie Murphy for her help & for putting up with me through this, also to J6 CREATIVE & NRT GRAPHICS for the amazing work
RSR.000 reaches the far end of the transformation matrix, fully departing from its initial “pure” state. This specific image completely dissolves any state of resolution or scale, this is actually a very small portion of one of the TPS aggregations which is fully mutated into a moment with multiple interpretations. The glass print captures a lot of the depth that was embedded into this image, creating almost a 3Dimensional image from a flat piece of glass.
Sets of both mutated and normalized triple periodic minimal surfaces aggregated into a cluster. Base condition houses 8 handles. Samples were taken at 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 100 handle counts with multiple aggregation sequences. Mutations occurred at all levels with new clusters of aggregations consisting of varying handle densities. Once the new base clusters were generated, a sequence of 4 was chosen for mutations. These initial geometry studies remained “pure” and unaltered throughout the entire process
30 Layered RSR Piece is made up of 30 pieces of glass each containing a specific “layer” of the sequence. While the spacing between each glass piece is consistent, each layer does not contain the same amount of information. The 3Dimensional geometric model was cut into slices, 65 of them to be exact. While there were only 30 pieces of glass, each layer did not contain an exact amount of slices. Depending on which areas required more transparency vs color density or opacity, layers were combined to create the desired effect. The “moment” as we described it was that specific moment in time where this piece was captured as it was exploding from the inside out on a computer simulation. The idea was to capture this almost like it was frozen in a glass cube, highlighting all of its volumetric qualities and color
gradients and indexing that moment in time.
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