Gallery details
This project builds a deep learning network to identify 102 different types of flowers. The dataset was obtained from theĀ 102 category flowers dataset. While this specific example is used on this data, this model can be trained on any set of labeled images. Below are a few examples of the variability between classes and within the classes themselves.
The 3 images below are: (Spear Thistle) (Fire Lily) (Cantenbury Bells)
Each of the 3 images below is a Toad Lily
Click for Github – Project Source Code
The project is broken down into multiple steps:
- Load and preprocess the image dataset
- Train the image classifier on the dataset
- Use the trained classifier to predict image content
# Imports here import torch import torchvision.transforms as tf import torchvision.datasets as ds import torchvision.models as models from torch import nn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from PIL import Image from neural_net import Neural_Network as net # TODO: Define your transforms for the training, validation, and testing sets # TODO: Load the datasets with ImageFolder # TODO: Using the image datasets and the trainforms, define the dataloaders def generate_datasets(params_dict, types_list, resize = 300, crop_size = 224): ''' Generators and data manipulation. Generates the required data transformations for us to train properly. Args: params_dict (dict): The nested dictionary containing the 'dir', 'batch' and 'shuffle' data. types_list (list of str): The list of param_dict keys, 'train', 'validate', 'test'. resize (int): The value to resize the image to. crop_size (int): The value we want to crop the image to Raises: TODO: Add exceptions Returns: datasets, dataloaders (tuple): The datasets and data loaders ''' # Define the transforms transforms = {} for t in types_list: transform_list = [] transform_list.append(tf.Resize(resize)) transform_list.append(tf.CenterCrop(crop_size)) transform_list.append(tf.ToTensor()) transform_list.append(tf.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])) if t == 'train': transform_list.pop(1) transform_list.insert(1, tf.RandomResizedCrop(crop_size)) transform_list.insert(2, tf.RandomHorizontalFlip()) transforms[t] = tf.Compose(transform_list) # Load the data sets, use dict comprehension to generate key vals for each type datasets = {i: ds.ImageFolder(params_dict[i]['dir'], transforms[i]) for i in types_list} # Define the loaders using the datasets and the transforms dataloaders = {i:[i], params_dict[i]['batch'], params_dict[i]['shuffle']) for i in types_list} return datasets, dataloaders data_dir = 'flowers' train_dir = data_dir + '/train' valid_dir = data_dir + '/valid' test_dir = data_dir + '/test' # generate datasets and loaders params_dict = {'train': {'dir': train_dir, 'batch': 64, 'shuffle': True}, 'validate':{'dir': valid_dir, 'batch': 64, 'shuffle': True}, 'test':{'dir': test_dir, 'batch': 64, 'shuffle': False}} datasets, dataloaders = generate_datasets(params_dict, list(params_dict.keys()))
# build network class Neural_Network(nn.Module): ''' The neural network object sits a level above the classifier to store relevant properties and values. The classifier uses nn.LogSoftmax so use the negative log likelihood loss criterion nn.NLLLoss Args: inputs (int): The number of inputs. hidden_sizes (list of ints): The hidden layer sizes. outputs (int): The number of outputs. hidden_activation (str): The hidden layer activation functions (ex. relu, sigmoid, tahn). device (str): The gpu or the cpu. optimizer_name (str): The optimizer name ('sgd' or 'adam') to update the weights and gradients dropout (float): The dropout rate, value to randomly drop input units through training. learn_rate (float): The learning rate value, used along with the gradient to update the weights, small values ensure that the weight update steps are small enough. Attributes: inputs (int): This is where we store the input count, hidden_sizes (list of int): This is where we store the hidden layer sizes, outputs (int): This is where we store the output size, hidden_activation (str): This is where we store the hidden activation type, dropout (float): This is where we store the random input unit dropout rate, learn_rate (float): This is where we store the learn rate value, processing_device (str): This is where we store the device to calculate the results, linear_layers (list): This is where we store the values to sequentially build the classifier, model (torch.nn.module or torchvision model): Where either the generated classifier or the loaded model is stored, optimizer (torch.optim): This is where we store the optimizer used, criterior (torch.nn.module.loss): This is where we store the loss function type, device (str): This is where we store the device, epochs_completed (int): This is where we store how many total epochs of training this model has. ''' def __init__(self, inputs, hidden_sizes, outputs, hidden_activation, device, dropout = 0.3, learn_rate = 0.002): super().__init__() # Props self.inputs = inputs self.hidden_sizes = hidden_sizes self.outputs = outputs self.hidden_activation = hidden_activation self.dropout = dropout self.learn_rate = learn_rate self.processing_device = device # Layers self.linear_layers = [] = hidden_sizes,inputs) # Model Stuff self.model, self.optimizer = None, None self.criterion = nn.NLLLoss() self.device = device self.epochs_completed = 0 self.generate_classifier() def generate_classifier(self): '''Generates the nn.module container Sequential classfier as the default for this class. Args: None. Raises: TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class. Returns: None. ''' self.linear_layers = [] n = len( for i in range(n-1): self.linear_layers.append(nn.Linear([i],[(i + 1) % n])) if i != n-2: if self.hidden_activation == 'relu': self.linear_layers.append(nn.ReLU()) elif self.hidden_activation == 'sigmoid': self.linear_layers.append(nn.Sigmoid()) elif self.hidden_activation == 'tanh': self.linear_layers.append(nn.Tanh()) self.linear_layers.append(nn.Dropout(self.dropout)) self.linear_layers.append(nn.LogSoftmax(dim = 1)) # expand the list into sequential args self.model = nn.Sequential(*self.linear_layers) def train_network(self, train_data, validation_data, epochs = 1, load_best_params = False, plot = False): '''Trains the model, requires the criterion and optimizer to be passed into the class args before hand. TODO: add exception handling for optimizer and criterion as None values. Args: train_data ( The training torch data loader. validation_data ( The validation torch data loader. epochs (int): The number of epochs for training. load_best_params (bool): If true then we will load the model_state_dict from the highest accuracy iteration plot (bool): If true we plot both losses. Raises: TODO: Add exceptions. Returns: None. ''' # move the model to whatever device we have # if we loaded the model in eval mode and want to train switch it if not self.model.train() iteration, running_loss = 0, 0 highest_accuracy, high_acc_iter, high_acc_epoch = 0, 0, 0 training_loss_set, validation_loss_set = [], [] best_params = None for epoch in range(epochs): batch_iteration = 0 for x, y_labels in train_data: # move to whatever device we have x, y_labels =, # zero out the gradients self.optimizer.zero_grad() # forward pass - get the log probabilities (logits / scores) output = self.model(x) # calculate the loss loss = self.criterion(output, y_labels) # backprop - calculate the gradients for the parameters loss.backward() # parameter update based on gradient self.optimizer.step() # update stats running_loss += loss.item() iteration += 1 batch_iteration += 1 else: # Validation Process validation_loss, accuracy = self.validate_network(validation_data) training_loss = running_loss/len(train_data) print('Model has a total of {} training epochs completed.'.format(self.epochs_completed)) print('Active session Epoch {} out of {}'.format(epoch + 1, epochs)) print('Currently model has Accuracy of {}% \nCurrent training loss is {} \ \nCurrent validation loss is {}'.format(accuracy, training_loss, validation_loss)) training_loss_set.append(training_loss) validation_loss_set.append(validation_loss) print('-------------') running_loss = 0 # Track best run if accuracy > highest_accuracy: highest_accuracy = accuracy high_acc_iter = batch_iteration high_acc_epoch = epoch + 1 if load_best_params: best_params = copy.deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) # Set the model back to train mode, enable dropout again self.model.train() self.epochs_completed += 1 t_slope, v_slope = self.check_overfitting(training_loss_set, validation_loss_set, plot) print('Slope of linear reg training curve fit is {} \nSlope of linear reg Validation curve fit is {}'.format(t_slope, v_slope)) print('Training session highest accuracy was {} on epoch {} batch iteration {}'.format(highest_accuracy, high_acc_epoch, high_acc_iter)) if load_best_params: self.model.load_state_dict(best_params) print('Params from {} epoch, {} batch iteration were loaded'.format(high_acc_epoch, high_acc_iter)) def validate_network(self, data): '''Validate our model to check the loss and accuracy. Args: data ( The data we want to validate as torch data loader. Raises: TODO: Add exceptions. Returns: loss,accuracy (tuple): The loss and accuracy of the validation. ''' # enable eval mode, turn off dropout self.model.eval() # turn off the gradients since we are not updating params with torch.no_grad(): batch_loss = 0 batch_accuracy = 0 # validation pass for x, y_labels in data: # move to device x, y_labels =, output = self.model(x) # update loss and extract tensor as python float batch_loss += self.criterion(output, y_labels).item() # calculate the probability probability = torch.exp(output) # get the top n indexes and values _, top_class = probability.topk(1, dim=1) # reshape top class to match label and get binary value from equals, # check if the prediction matches label equals = top_class == y_labels.view(*top_class.shape) # have to convert byte tensor to float tensor and get accuracy batch_accuracy += torch.mean(equals.type(torch.FloatTensor)).item() test_accuracy = (batch_accuracy / len(data))*100 test_loss = batch_loss / len(data) return test_loss, test_accuracy def check_overfitting(self, train_losses, validation_losses, plot = False): '''Validate our model to check the loss and accuracy Args: train_losses (list of floats): The list of training losses per epoch. validation_losses (list of floats): The list of validation losses per epoch. plot (bool): If true we plot both losses. Raises: TODO: Add exceptions. Returns: slopes (tuple): The slopes of the linear reg curve fits for both validation/training. ''' # Data tl_x_val = np.arange(0, len(train_losses)) vl_x_val = np.arange(0, len(validation_losses)) # To numpy train_data = np.array([tl_x_val, train_losses]) validate_data = np.array([vl_x_val, validation_losses]) # Least squares polynomial fit. train_slope, train_intercept = np.polyfit(train_data[0], train_data[1], 1) validation_slope, validation_intercept = np.polyfit(validate_data[0], validate_data[1], 1) if plot: plt.plot(train_data[0], train_data[1], 'o', label='training loss') plt.plot(validate_data[0], validate_data[1], 'o', label='validation loss') plt.plot(train_data[0], train_intercept + train_slope*train_data[0], 'r', label='train_regg') plt.plot(validate_data[0], validation_intercept + validation_slope*validate_data[0], 'r', label='val_regg') plt.legend() return train_slope, validation_slope def save_model_checkpoint(self, full_path, training_class_to_idx): '''Save the model checkpoint. Args: full_path (str): The full path to save the checkpoint to training_class_to_idx (dic of ints): This is where we store the dictionary mapping the name of the class to the index (label) Raises: TODO: Add exceptions Returns: None ''' net_data_dic = {'input_count': self.inputs, 'hidden_sizes': self.hidden_sizes, 'outputs': self.outputs, 'h_activation': self.hidden_activation, 'dropout': self.dropout, 'learn_rate': self.learn_rate, 'epochs_completed' : self.epochs_completed} checkpoint = {'data' : net_data_dic, 'model' : self.model, 'classifier' : self.model.classifier, 'optimizer.state_dict' : self.optimizer.state_dict(), 'state_dict' : self.model.state_dict(), 'device' : self.device, 'class_to_idx': training_class_to_idx} (checkpoint, full_path)
# Net Utilities to build from tv def net_from_torchvision(hidden_sizes, outputs, hidden_activation, device, optimizer_name = 'adam', dropout = 0.3, learn_rate = 0.002, name = 'vgg16', trained = True): ''' Generates a model from torchvision, and instatiates a new Neural_Network instance which sets new model as the active model. A new optimizer and criterion are also generated and assigned to the class properties. Args: hidden_sizes (list of ints): The hidden layer sizes. outputs (int): The number of outputs. hidden_activation (str): The hidden layer activation functions (ex. relu, sigmoid, tahn). device (str): The gpu or the cpu. optimizer_name (str): The optimizer name ('sgd' or 'adam') to update the weights and gradients dropout (float): The dropout rate, value to randomly drop input units through training. learn_rate (float): The learning rate value, used along with the gradient to update the weights, small values ensure that the weight update steps are small enough. name (str): The pretrained model name ('vgg16', 'resnet50', 'densenet121'). trained (bool): If the model has been trained. Raises: TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class. Returns: net (nn_model.Neural_Network): An instance of the Neural_Network class with the trained model as its model and parameters. ''' model = get_pretrained_model(name, trained) feature_count = model.classifier[0].in_features net = Neural_Network(feature_count, hidden_sizes, outputs, hidden_activation, device, dropout, learn_rate) model.classifier = net.model net.model = model if optimizer_name != 'adam' and optimizer_name != 'sgd': raise ValueError('Please use either SDG or Adam as optimizers') elif optimizer_name == 'adam': net.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.model.classifier.parameters(), learn_rate) else: net.optimizer = torch.optim.SDG(net.model.classifier.parameters(), learn_rate) net.criterion = nn.NLLLoss() return net def get_pretrained_model(name = 'vgg16', trained = True): '''Generates the nn.module container Sequential classfier as the default for this class. Args: name (str): The pretrained model name ('vgg16', 'resnet50', 'densenet121'). trained (bool): If the model has been trained. Raises: TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class. Returns: model (torchvision.models.vgg.VGG): The torch vision model specified ''' # get model from torchvision if name == 'vgg16': model = models.vgg16(pretrained = trained) elif name == 'resnet50': model = models.resnet50(pretrained = trained) elif name == 'densenet121': model = models.densenet121(pretrained = trained) else: raise ValueError('Please select from either vgg16, resnet50 or \ densenet121 pre-trained models') # freeze parameters for parameter in model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False return model
# TODO: Write a function that loads a checkpoint and rebuilds the model def load_neural_net(filepath, mode = 'train'): ''' Generates a model from torchvision, and instatiates a new Neural_Network instance which sets new model as the active model. A new optimizer and criterion are also generated and assigned to the class properties. Args: file_path (str): The full path to the checkpoint mode (str): Mode to set the model to ('train', 'eval') Raises: TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class. Returns: net (nn_model.Neural_Network): An instance of the Neural_Network class with the loeaded model as its model, parameters, criterion and optimizer. ''' print('loading_net') #TODO: Path validation checkpoint = torch.load(filepath) # Set Params inputs = checkpoint['data']['input_count'] hidden_layers = checkpoint['data']['hidden_sizes'] outputs = checkpoint['data']['outputs'] activation = checkpoint['data']['h_activation'] dropout = checkpoint['data']['dropout'] learn_rate = checkpoint['data']['learn_rate'] device = checkpoint['device'] model = checkpoint['model'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) # Make Network net = Neural_Network(inputs, hidden_layers, outputs, activation, device, dropout, learn_rate) net.model = model net.epochs_completed = checkpoint['data']['epochs_completed'] if mode == 'train': net.model.train() elif mode == 'eval': net.model.eval() else: raise ValueError('Error mode needs to be either train or eval') net.model.classifier.class_to_idx = checkpoint['class_to_idx'] optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.model.classifier.parameters(), learn_rate) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer.state_dict']) criterion = nn.NLLLoss() net.optimizer = optimizer net.criterion = criterion # Move to processing device return net # load the model loaded_net = load_neural_net('checkpoint_1.pth', 'eval')
# process image def process_image(image, width, height): ''' Scales, crops, and normalizes a PIL image for a PyTorch model, returns an torchNumpy array Args: image (nn_model.Neural_Network): The Neural_Network instance to use for the prediction. width (int): The path to the image we want to test height (int): The label map with the class names Raises: TODO: Add exceptions Returns: t_image (torch.Tensor): ''' # open and resize img = img = img.resize((width,height)) # crop current_width, current_height = img.size left = (current_width - width)/2 top = (current_height - height)/2 right = left + width bottom = top + height img = img.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) # normalize the values mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]) std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) np_img = np.array(img) / 255 np_img = (np_img - mean) / std # swap color channel position np_img = np.transpose(np_img, (2,0,1)) # conver to tensor from numpy ndarray t_image = torch.from_numpy(np_img) return t_image
def map_idx_to_classes(class_to_idx, classes, predicted_idx, predicted_prob): ''' Maps the predicted indexes to the keys which we need to retrieve the class names. Since our model gives us the 'value', we need to find the key for our class_to_idx dict, once we have the key we can use it to find the class mapping (flower name in this case). Args: class_to_idx (dic of ints): This is where we store the dictionary mapping the name of the class to the index (label). classes (dict of strs): Dict containing the mapping of the class idx to the name. predicted_idx (list of ints): The topk list of predicted indexes. predicted_prob (list of floats): The probability list from topk. Raises: TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class. Returns: idx_classes_dict (dict): Dictionary containing 'predicted_indexes': indexes predicted by network, 'idx_to_class': mapped idx_to_class, 'classes': class names, 'probabilites': the probabilities for classes. ''' idx_classes_dict = {} predicted_class_names = [] predicted_idx_to_class = [] for x in predicted_idx: for k,v in class_to_idx.items(): if x == v: predicted_class_names.append(classes[k]) predicted_idx_to_class.append(k) idx_classes_dict['predicted_idx'] = predicted_idx idx_classes_dict['classes'] = predicted_class_names idx_classes_dict['idx_to_class'] = predicted_idx_to_class idx_classes_dict['probabilities'] = predicted_prob return idx_classes_dict
# helper methods def predict(network, image_path, class_names, topk=5): ''' Predict the class (or classes) of an image using a trained deep learning model. Args: network (nn_model.Neural_Network): The Neural_Network instance to use for the prediction. image_path (str): The path to the image we want to test class_names (dict of ints): The label map with the class names topk (int): The number of top probabilities and classes we want. Raises: TODO: Add exceptions Returns: data_dict (dict): Dictionary containing 'predicted_indexes': indexes predicted by network, 'idx_to_class': mapped idx_to_class, 'classes': class names, 'probabilites': the probabilities for classes. ''' # convert image img = process_image(image_path, 224, 224) # need to pass the image tensor with first argument of n where n represents our batch size img.unsqueeze_(0) # move to device # generate the prediction # enable eval mode, turn off dropout network.model.eval() # turn off the gradients since we are not updating params with torch.no_grad(): img =, dtype=torch.float) # get the log softmax output = network.model(img) # get the prob probabilities = torch.exp(output) # get the top k values top_probabilities, top_classes = probabilities.topk(topk, dim=1) # remove the tensor cuda by moving to cpu, squeeze to remove dimensions and send to list to index top_probabilities = top_probabilities.cpu().squeeze().tolist() top_classes = top_classes.cpu().squeeze().tolist() # generate the idx_to_class mapping dict data_dict = map_idx_to_classes(network.model.classifier.class_to_idx, class_names, top_classes, top_probabilities) return data_dict
# TODO: Display an image along with the top 5 classes # To visualize more than 1 result at a time I added this function, displays a grid of n results with image and prediction import numpy as np import seaborn as sb import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd def plot_image_results(datasets, filter, count): # generate random n indexes to choose random testing images from dataset idx = np.random.randint(0,len(datasets[filter].imgs),size=(count,)) print(idx) # get the image folder number idx from the randomly selected dataset image batch_idx = [datasets[filter].imgs[x][0].split('\\')[-2] for x in idx] print(batch_idx) # fix the full path for the batch idx's batch_paths = [datasets[filter].imgs[x][0].replace('\\','/') for x in idx] print(batch_paths) # get actual flower name from the mapping back to the label labeled_names = [flowers_to_name[x] for x in batch_idx] print(labeled_names) # zip the data data = dict(zip(labeled_names, batch_paths)) # set the subplots rows = (len(data.items())) cols = 2 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = rows, ncols= cols, figsize=(cols*4,rows*3), squeeze = False) axs = axs.flatten() plt.tight_layout() # iterate through the dict, plot the graphs on the even grid cell # plot matching imgs on the odd grid cells count, img_counter = 0, 1 for name, path in data.items(): # get the predictions results_dict = predict(loaded_net, path, flowers_to_name) for k,v in results_dict.items(): print('{}:{}'.format(k, v)) print('flower is {}\n'.format(name)) # barplots for the results bp = sb.barplot(x=results_dict['probabilities'], y=results_dict['classes'], ax=axs[count]) bp.set_title(name) # plot the images img = process_image(path, 224, 224) imshow(img, axs[img_counter]) # increment the counters count += 2 img_counter += 2 plot_image_results(datasets, 'test', 5)
.Build and train network –
Building and training the classifier:
- Load a pre-trained network
- Define a new, untrained feed-forward network as a classifier, choose activation functions and dropouts
- Train the classifier layer using backpropagation using the pre-trained network to get the features
- Track the loss and accuracy on the validation set to determine the best hyperparameters
# TODO: Build and train your network # check for gpu device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # network instance neural_net = net_from_torchvision([1024,512], 102, 'relu', device, learn_rate = 0.001) # train for 25 epochs neural_net.train_network(dataloaders['train'], dataloaders['validate'], 5, plot = True)
.Test the network-
# TODO: Do validation on the test set loss, acc = neural_net.validate_network(dataloaders['test']) print('acc on test is {} % \nloss is {}'.format(acc, loss))
img_path = 'flowers/test/15/image_06360.jpg' # get the predictions results_dict = predict(loaded_net, img_path, flowers_to_name) for k,v in results_dict.items(): print('{}:{}'.format(k, v)) """ OUTPUT predicted_idx:[9, 62, 45, 39, 48] classes:['yellow iris', 'black-eyed susan', 'buttercup', 'daffodil', 'common dandelion'] idx_to_class:['15', '63', '48', '42', '50'] probabilities:[0.9235654473304749, 0.04405064508318901, 0.015102370642125607, 0.010496463626623154, 0.001698569511063397] """ # get flower names fromr results dict print(results_dict['idx_to_class']) names = [flowers_to_name[x] for x in results_dict['idx_to_class']] print(names) """ OUTPUT ['15', '63', '48', '42', '50'] ['yellow iris', 'black-eyed susan', 'buttercup', 'daffodil', 'common dandelion'] """ plot_image_results(datasets, 'test', 5)
.Plot Results-
To visualize more than 1 result at a time I added this function, displays a grid of n results with image and prediction
The project submission must include at least two filesĀ
Ā andĀ
. The first file,Ā
, will train a new network on a dataset and save the model as a checkpoint. The second file,Ā
, uses a trained network to predict the class for an input image.
- Train a new network on a data set with :
- Basic usage:Ā
python data_directory
- Prints out training loss, validation loss, and validation accuracy as the network trains
- Options:
- Set directory to save checkpoints:
- python data_dir –save_dir save_directory
- Choose architecture:Ā
python data_dir --arch "vgg13"
- Set hyperparameters:
- python data_dir –learning_rate 0.01 –hidden_units 512 –epochs 20
- Use GPU for training:Ā
python data_dir --gpu
- Set directory to save checkpoints:
- Basic usage:Ā
- Predict flower name from an image withĀ
Ā along with the probability of that name. That is, you’ll pass in a single imageĀ/path/to/image
Ā and return the flower name and class probability.- Basic usage:Ā
python /path/to/image checkpoint
- Options:
- Return top K most likely classes:
- python input checkpoint –top_k 3
- Use a mapping of categories to real names:
- python input checkpoint –category_names cat_to_name.json
- Use GPU for inference:Ā
python input checkpoint --gpu
- Return top K most likely classes:
- Basic usage:Ā
- Train a new network on a data set with :
import argparse import json import torch as t import os import sys from network.net_operations import Net_Operations as net_ops from utilities.net_utils import Net_Utilities as net_utils from utilities.utils import Utilities as utils ''' Predict a flower name from an image along with the probability of that name ''' __author__ = "Luis Quinones" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Prototype" def main(): try: args_dict = {} names = ['image_path', 'model_checkpoint_path', '--top_k', '--category_names', '--gpu'] defaults = [None, None, 3, 'flower_to_name.json', False] types = [str, str, int, str, bool] helpers = ['the path to the image we want to predict', 'the path to the model checkpoint to load', 'return the top k most likely cases', 'Json file with the mapping of categories to real names', 'Use the gpu for computing, if no use cpu'] for i in range(len(names)): data = {} data['name'] = names[i] data['default'] = defaults[i] data['type'] = types[i] data['help'] = helpers[i] args_dict[i] = data # get the args args = utils.get_input_args(args_dict) # variables img_path = args.image_path model_checkpoint = args.model_checkpoint_path top_k = args.top_k categories = args.category_names enable_gpu = args.gpu # check if the img path exist while not os.path.isfile(img_path): img_path = input('Image file does not exist, please input a correct path \n') if img_path == 'quit': exit() # check if the checkpoint file exist while not os.path.isfile(model_checkpoint): model_checkpoint = input('Model checkpoint does not exist, please input a correct path \n') if model_checkpoint == 'quit': exit() while top_k < 1: val = input('Top_k value must be greater than 0, please enter a new value \n') top_k = int(val) # check for gpu if not t.cuda.is_available() and enable_gpu: print('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, we will use the CPU instead') response = input('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, would you like to run it on the CPU instead? Enter Yes or No -> ') while response not in ('yes', 'no'): if response.lower() == 'yes': break elif response.lower() == "no": print('exiting the program') exit() else: print('Please respond yes or no ') enable_gpu = False # load from checkpoint and set device mfcp = net_utils.load_neural_net(model_checkpoint, 'eval') mfcp.device = 'cuda' if enable_gpu else 'cpu' # load json data with open(categories, 'r') as f: categories_to_name = json.load(f) # make the predictions results_dict = net_ops.predict(mfcp, img_path, categories_to_name, topk = top_k) names = [categories_to_name[x] for x in results_dict['idx_to_class']] # get flower name from path flower_name = categories_to_name[img_path.split('/')[-2]] # print the top n results print('FLOWER NAME IS {} \n'.format(flower_name.upper())) print('THE TOP {} RESULTS ARE:'.format(top_k)) for i, name in enumerate(names): print('Name = {} \nProbability = {} \n'.format(name, results_dict['probabilities'][i])) except Exception as ex: raise ex if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import argparse import sys from collections import defaultdict import os import datetime import torch as t from utilities.utils import Utilities as utils from utilities.net_utils import Net_Utilities as net_utils from utilities.data_utils import Data_Utilities as data_util ''' Train a new network on a dataset of images ''' __author__ = "Luis Quinones" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Prototype" def main(): try: args_dict = {} names = ['data_dir', '--save_dir', '--arch', '--learning_rate', '--hidden_units', '--epochs', '--gpu'] def_save_path = os.getcwd() + '/checkpoint_nn_train.pth' def_save_path = def_save_path.replace('\\','/') defaults = [None, def_save_path, 'vgg16', 0.001, '1024, 512', 2, False] types = [str, str, str, float, str, int, bool] helpers = ['the directory of the data, ex. flowers/', 'the fullpath with name where we want to save our checkpoints, ex. saved/checkpoint_xx.pth', 'the architecture to transfer learning, vgg16, resnet50, densenet121', 'the learning rate value', 'the values for the hidden layer sizes form ex. 1024,512', 'the number of epochs to train', 'Use the gpu for computing, if no use cpu'] for i in range(len(names)): data = {} data['name'] = names[i] data['default'] = defaults[i] data['type'] = types[i] data['help'] = helpers[i] args_dict[i] = data # get the args args = utils.get_input_args(args_dict) # variables directory = args.data_dir if not os.path.exists(directory): raise OSError('Directory does not exist, please specify a new one') checkpt_dir = args.save_dir arch = args.arch learn_rate = args.learning_rate hidden_layers = args.hidden_units epochs = args.epochs enable_gpu = args.gpu trim = hidden_layers.strip('[]').split(',') hidden_layers = [int(i) for i in trim] # check for gpu if not t.cuda.is_available() and enable_gpu: print('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, we will use the CPU instead') response = input('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, would you like to run it on the CPU instead? Enter Yes or No -> ') while response not in ('yes', 'no'): if response.lower() == 'yes': break elif response.lower() == "no": print('exiting the program') exit() else: print('Please respond yes or no ') enable_gpu = False # generate datasets params_dict = {'train': {'dir': directory + 'train', 'batch': 64, 'shuffle': True}, 'validate':{'dir': directory + 'valid', 'batch': 64, 'shuffle': True}} datasets, dataloaders = data_util.generate_datasets(params_dict, list(params_dict.keys())) # network instance processor = 'cuda' if enable_gpu else 'cpu' neural_net = net_utils.net_from_torchvision(hidden_layers, 102, 'relu', processor, learn_rate = learn_rate, name = arch) # train for n epochs neural_net.train_network(dataloaders['train'], dataloaders['validate'], epochs, plot = True) # save model neural_net.save_model_checkpoint(checkpt_dir, datasets['train'].class_to_idx) except Exception as ex: raise ex if __name__ == '__main__': main()
.Test command line application-
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