



[n]igma + complicitMatter was founded in 2010 as a testing ground for design & research across all disciplines, from the macro to the nano. Luis Quinones is a freelance computational designer, 3d Modeler, and software developer living in Los Angeles. His interests lie in blurring the lines between reality, artificiality and the “Hyper Real”. He received his Masters in Design from Tulane University where he was the recipient of the Best Thesis Award.

He has worked as a Senior Software Engineer in R&D and Innovation at Walt Disney Imagineering and Nike. Previously he spent 6 years as a Senior Computational Design Innovator at MODELAB where he developed algorithms and technology for innovative product solutions for clients such as Nike & Renault. He spent 2 years as Design Director @ compMatter-TA, a discipline bending group with interests that spanned architecture, computation, design, and media as well as a year developing a motorcycle ready HUD helmet prototype. Formerly a Lead Designer at Emergent in Los Angeles, Luis specialized in advanced digital and algorithmic design, he was a designer for two winning competitions during his time there. His research work has been exhibited globally as well as in Popular Science and Future Magazine. He has taught technical, computational, and design workshops at USC, Tongji University, Sci Arc, Texas Tech University, Tulane University, and Apo Mechanes in Athens, Greece. Most recently Luis lectured at USC & at Tongji University in Shanghai titled ‘Total Recall’ as part of the Future of DigitalDesign Symposium. His current research focuses on multidisciplinary research, algorithmic processes as design methodologies, and 3d Modeling workflows.

This site contains a series of fun open source snippets or projects I have worked on that are public domain.

email: luis@complicitMatter.com

All opinions are my own.