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Quick snippets and testing ideas for the Culebra library for Processing 3.0

Culebra MultiBehavior Geometry Crawl – OcTree Optimized

Snippet test sampling a multi behavior octree optimized multi agent system crawling on a mesh built in Processing 3.0.

  • s – pause/resume simulation
  • w – new path
  • q – draw path targets
  • p – show/hide paths
  • t – open/close trackBabies UI
  • d – draw movement
  • P – enable Path Tracking
  • b – enable/disable spawning of children (will only spawn if inside the radius of path and spawning is enabled by this key)
  • c – toggle color
  • v – draw boundary
  • o – show octree
  • z – create octree
  • 1 – draw flocking inter connectivity
  • r – reset simulation
  • i – save frame
  • l – render Mesh
  • 0 – spawn low edge





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