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Dynamics + Python Research V.1 [07.June.2011] – via Dynamics + Python [12.July.2011]
Research and Development by Luis Quinones and Tom Wiscombe @ Emergent Architecture [thanks to Roland Snooks for the pull to mesh rs code]
“””A Series of Different Scripts which create Minimal Pathways between a set of curves. 3 Versions
A. Attraction Based on Distance Threshold between Each Curve Point
B. Same as A + Point Attractors which have their own influence
C. Same as A + B + Pull to Closest Mesh + Uses Mesh Vertex Color Information To Determine a threshold multiplier based on Luminance
Values of the closest Point on The Mesh”””
C. Full Bundling + Mesh Vertex Color Information + AttractorPoints + Pull 2 Mesh
""" Script written by <Luis Quinones> Script copyrighted by <complicitMatter><> """ import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import math from System.Drawing import Color def PointList(outputSelfORG,arrRebuildCount): arrCrvPts = [] for i in range(len(outputSelfORG)): rebuild = rs.RebuildCurve(outputSelfORG[i],2,arrRebuildCount) arrCrvPtCount = rs.CurvePointCount(outputSelfORG[i]) samPoints = rs.CurvePoints(outputSelfORG[i]) for j in range(0,arrCrvPtCount): arrCrvPts.append(samPoints[j]) return arrCrvPts def MainSelfORG(Gens,Curves,Rebuild,arrRebuildCount,WELDACTION,MeshAction,dblRatio,Attract,AttractorPtsList,attPtThresh,dblRatioATT,strLayerNew,strObject,AttractorPoints): if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: arrItems2 = [("Attraction Threshold",True),("Vector Move Scale Factor",False), ("Paint Affects Both",False), ("Rebuild_CURVES",False)] arrOptionsBln2 = rs.CheckListBox(arrItems2,"CHOOSE","Paint_Influence") if not arrOptionsBln2: print "Options not array" AttractorThreshold = arrOptionsBln2[0] VectorTranslationScaling = arrOptionsBln2[1] DoubleActionPaint = arrOptionsBln2[2] CRVBUILD = arrOptionsBln2[3] arrVerts = rs.MeshVertices(strObject) color = rs.MeshVertexColors(strObject) for x in range(len(Curves)): rs.RebuildCurve(Curves[x],Rebuild,arrRebuildCount) count = 0 for i in range(Gens): arrTOPCRVS = [] arrBOTTCRVS = [] for j in range(len(Curves)): arrNewPos = [] PointCount = rs.CurvePointCount(Curves[j]) arrCrvDivMain = rs.CurvePoints(Curves[j]) if bool(WELDACTION[1]) == True: PointCount = PointCount - 2 arrCrvDiv = arrCrvDivMain[1:-1] else: arrCrvDiv = arrCrvDivMain arrCrvStartPt = rs.CurveStartPoint(Curves[j]) arrCrvEndPt = rs.CurveEndPoint(Curves[j]) for k in range(PointCount): arrCrvPts = [] if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: threshMult = ColorAction(arrVerts,color,arrCrvDiv[k]) if threshMult == 0 : threshMult == 0 + 0.01 else: threshMult = 1 if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: if bool(VectorTranslationScaling[1]) == True: dblRatio2 = dblRatio*threshMult newThreshold = Attract if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: if bool(DoubleActionPaint[1]) == True: dblRatio2 = dblRatio*threshMult newThreshold = Attract * threshMult if bool(AttractorPoints[1]) == True: if not AttractorPtsList: print "really" indexClosestAtt = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(AttractorPtsList,arrCrvDiv[k]) if not indexClosestAtt: bambam = 0 attPt = AttractorPtsList[indexClosestAtt] dist2 = rs.Distance(attPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: dist2 = 1000000 if dist2 < attPtThresh : attvector = rs.VectorCreate(attPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) attvector = rs.VectorScale(attvector,dblRatioATT) NewPosition = rs.PointAdd(attvector,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: for L in range(len(Curves)): if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True and bool(AttractorThreshold[1]) == True: newThreshold = Attract * threshMult dblRatio2 = dblRatio else: newThreshold = Attract dblRatio2 = dblRatio if j != L : arrCrvParam = rs.CurveClosestPoint(Curves[L],arrCrvDiv[k]) crvPt = rs.EvaluateCurve(Curves[L],arrCrvParam) arrCrvPts.append(crvPt) IndClosestCrv = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCrvPts,arrCrvDiv[k]) crvPt = arrCrvPts[IndClosestCrv] dist = rs.Distance(arrCrvDiv[k],crvPt) if dist < newThreshold : vector = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) vector = rs.VectorScale(vector,dblRatio2) NewPosition = rs.PointAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: NewPosition = arrCrvDiv[k] arrNewPos.append(NewPosition) if bool(WELDACTION[1]) == True: arrNewPos.insert(0,arrCrvStartPt) arrNewPos.insert(PointCount+1,arrCrvEndPt) newcurve = rs.AddCurve(arrNewPos,Rebuild) rs.ObjectLayer(newcurve,strLayerNew) rs.DeleteObject(Curves[j]) Curves[j] = newcurve return Curves def PullAction(srfArr,crvArr,threshold,snapThreshold,ratio): for i in range(len(crvArr)): arrSrfPts = [] rs.EnableObjectGrips(crvArr[i],enable = True) gripCount = rs.ObjectGripCount(crvArr[i]) for j in range(gripCount): gripPos = rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[i],j) count = 0 for k in range(len(srfArr)): if rs.IsMesh(srfArr[k]): meshPt = rs.MeshClosestPoint(srfArr[k],gripPos) srfPt = meshPt[0] else: srfUV = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srfArr[k],gripPos) srfPt = rs.EvaluateSurface(srfArr[k],srfUV) arrSrfPts.append(srfPt) count += 1 closeSrfInd = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrSrfPts,gripPos) srfPt = arrSrfPts[closeSrfInd] dist3 = rs.Distance(gripPos,srfPt) if dist3 < threshold : vec = rs.VectorCreate(srfPt,gripPos) if dist3 > snapThreshold : vec = rs.VectorScale(vec,ratio) newPos2 = rs.PointAdd(vec,gripPos) rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[i],j,newPos2) def ColorAction(arrVerts,color,pos): index = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrVerts,pos) result = color[index] colorR = rs.ColorRedValue(result) lum = colorR/255 return lum def Main(): rs.MessageBox("SelfOrganizing Network_Built in Options for Attractors or Mesh Paint Attraction",0,"BUNDLING ACTION") arrItems = [("Attractor Points?",False),("Use Mesh Vertex Colors as Driver?",True),("Weld Start & End Points?",True),("Pull Geo?",True)] arrOptionsBln = rs.CheckListBox(arrItems,"CHOOSE","Attraction_Type") AttractorPoints = arrOptionsBln[0] MeshAction = arrOptionsBln[1] WELDACTION = arrOptionsBln[2] pullGeom = arrOptionsBln[3] if not arrOptionsBln: print "Options not array" #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #INPUTS #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Gens = rs.GetInteger("Number of Generations",2,2,14) Curves = rs.GetObjects("Select Base Crvs",rs.filter.curve) textLocPt = rs.GetPoint("Pick location to create settings text") Attract = rs.GetReal("CurvePointAttractionThreshold", 150) dblRatio = rs.GetReal("Distance For Vector To Move", 0.75) arrRebuildCount = rs.GetInteger("Curve Rebuild CP Count", 40) Rebuild = rs.GetInteger("Degree To Rebuild Curves", 2) strLayerNew = rs.AddLayer("NEWCURVES", Color.Red) #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if bool(pullGeom[1]) == True : srfArr = rs.GetObjects("Meshes to pull to",0) pullthreshold = 150 snapThreshold = 90 ratio = 1 if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True : strLayer = rs.AddLayer("ptStore", Color.White) strObject = rs.GetObject("ColorMesh",filter = 32,select = False) else: strObject = 0 if bool(AttractorPoints[1]) == False: attPtThresh = 0 dblRatioATT = 0 AttractorPtsList = [] else: AttractorPts = rs.GetObjects("Attractor Points",rs.filter.point) attPtThresh = rs.GetReal("AttractorPointThreshold", 40) dblRatioATT = rs.GetReal("JUMP For Vector Towards ATTPT MOVE", .25) AttractorPtsList = [] for z in range(len(AttractorPts)): AttractorPtsList.append(rs.PointCoordinates(AttractorPts[z])) #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #TEXT OUTPUT VARIABLES #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// text = rs.AddText( " Gens = "+str(Gens)+ " AttTHRESH = " + str(Attract) + " PTTHRESH = " + str(attPtThresh) + " VECTORMOVE = " + str(dblRatio) + " ATTPT VECTOR JUMP = " + str(dblRatioATT), textLocPt, height = 2, justification = 2) outputSelfORG = MainSelfORG(Gens,Curves,Rebuild,arrRebuildCount,WELDACTION,MeshAction,dblRatio,Attract,AttractorPtsList,attPtThresh,dblRatioATT,strLayerNew,strObject,AttractorPoints) if bool(pullGeom[1]) == True: PullAction(srfArr,outputSelfORG,pullthreshold,snapThreshold,ratio) Main()
""" Script written by Luis Quinones Script version Tuesday, 28 June 2011 20:18:46 """ import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import math from System.Drawing import Color def PullAction(srfArr,crvArr,threshold,snapThreshold,ratio): for i in range(len(crvArr)): arrSrfPts = [] rs.EnableObjectGrips(crvArr[i],enable = True) gripCount = rs.ObjectGripCount(crvArr[i]) for j in range(gripCount-1): gripPos = rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[i],j) count = 0 for k in range(len(srfArr)): if rs.IsMesh(srfArr[k]): meshPt = rs.MeshClosestPoint(srfArr[k],gripPos) srfPt = meshPt[0] else: srfUV = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srfArr[k],gripPos) srfPt = rs.EvaluateSurface(srfArr[k],srfUV) arrSrfPts.append(srfPt) count += 1 closeSrfInd = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrSrfPts,gripPos) srfPt = arrSrfPts[closeSrfInd] dist3 = rs.Distance(gripPos,srfPt) if dist3 < threshold : vec = rs.VectorCreate(srfPt,gripPos) if dist3 > snapThreshold : vec = rs.VectorScale(vec,ratio) newPos2 = rs.VectorAdd(vec,gripPos) rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[i],j,newPos2) def ColorAction(centroid,gripPos,ave): index = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(centroid,gripPos) closestTest = centroid[index] result = ave[index] #print result return result def Main(): rs.MessageBox("SelfOrganizing Network_Built in Options for Attractors or Mesh Paint Attraction",0,"BUNDLING ACTION") arrItems = [("AttractorPoints",False),("Want Some Mesh Action",False),("Wanna Pull It to Something",False)] #arrDefaults = [False,False,False] arrOptionsBln = rs.CheckListBox(arrItems,"CHOOSE","Attraction_Type") if not arrOptionsBln: print "Options not array" AttractorPoints = arrOptionsBln[0] print AttractorPoints[1] MeshAction = arrOptionsBln[1] print MeshAction pullGeom = arrOptionsBln[2] print pullGeom Gens = rs.GetInteger("Number of Generations",6,1) Curves = rs.GetObjects("Select Base Crvs",rs.filter.curve) AttractorPts = rs.GetObjects("Attractor Points",rs.filter.point) Attract = rs.GetReal("CurvePointAttractionThreshold") attPtThresh = rs.GetReal("AttractorPointThreshold") dblRatio = rs.GetReal("Distance For Vector To Move") Rebuild = rs.GetInteger("Degree To Rebuild Curves") strLayerNew = rs.AddLayer("NEWCURVES") if bool(pullGeom[1]) == True : srfArr = rs.GetObjects("Meshes to pull to",0) pullthreshold = rs.GetReal("Set Thresh for mesh attractor") snapThreshold = rs.GetReal("Set Snap Threshold") ratio = rs.GetReal("Ratio of Distance to move") if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True : strLayer = rs.AddLayer("ptStore", Color.White) strObject = rs.GetObject("ColorMesh",filter = 32,select = False) if bool(AttractorPoints[1]) == False: print "ATTRACTOR False" attPtThresh = 0 else: print "ATTRACTOR True" if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: arrFaces = rs.MeshFaces(strObject,True) color = rs.MeshVertexColors(strObject) faceVerts = [0] centroid = [] ave = [] if arrFaces: i = 0 count2 = 0 while(i < len(arrFaces)): arrFace = arrFaces[i],arrFaces[i+1],arrFaces[i+2],arrFaces[i+3] if arrFace[2][0] == arrFace[3][0] and arrFace[2][1] == arrFace[3][1] and arrFace[2][2] == arrFace[3][2] : arrHLS = rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+1]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+2]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+2]) sum = arrHLS[0][2] + arrHLS[1][2] + arrHLS[2][2] ave2 = (sum/3) if ave2 < 0.2: ave2 = 0 ave.append(ave2) faceVerts[0] = [0,1,2,2] meshVerts = arrFace mesh = rs.AddMesh(meshVerts,faceVerts) if mesh : centroid.append(rs.MeshAreaCentroid(mesh)) else: print "did not make mesh" rs.DeleteObject(mesh) count2 += 3 else: arrHLS = rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+1]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+2]),rs.ColorRGBToHLS(color[count2+3]) sum = arrHLS[0][2] + arrHLS[1][2] + arrHLS[2][2] + arrHLS[3][2] ave2 = (sum/4) if ave2 < 0.2: ave2 = 0 ave.append(ave2) faceVerts[0] = [0,1,2,3] meshVerts = arrFace mesh = rs.AddMesh(meshVerts,faceVerts) if mesh: centroid.append(rs.MeshAreaCentroid(mesh)) else: print "did not make mesh" rs.DeleteObject(mesh) count2 += 4 i +=4 if len(centroid) != len(ave): print "# of aves does != # of points" AttractorPtsList = [] for z in range(len(AttractorPts)): AttractorPtsList.append(rs.PointCoordinates(AttractorPts[z])) for i in range(Gens): for j in range(len(Curves)): arrNewPos = [] PointCount = rs.CurvePointCount(Curves[j]) arrCrvDiv = rs.CurvePoints(Curves[j]) if arrCrvDiv: print "BOOM" else: print "Nope" for k in range(PointCount): arrCrvPts = [] if bool(MeshAction[1]) == True: threshMult = ColorAction(centroid,arrCrvDiv[k],ave) if threshMult == 0 : threshMult == 0 + 0.01 else: threshMult = 1 if not AttractorPtsList: print "really" indexClosestAtt = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(AttractorPtsList,arrCrvDiv[k]) attPt = AttractorPtsList[indexClosestAtt] dist2 = rs.Distance(attPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) if dist2 < attPtThresh : NewPosition = attPt else: for L in range(len(Curves)): newThreshold = Attract * threshMult if j != L : arrCrvParam = rs.CurveClosestPoint(Curves[L],arrCrvDiv[k]) crvPt = rs.EvaluateCurve(Curves[L],arrCrvParam) arrCrvPts.append(crvPt) IndClosestCrv = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCrvPts,arrCrvDiv[k]) #print "NextClosestIndex = ",IndClosestCrv crvPt = arrCrvPts[IndClosestCrv] #print crvPt dist = rs.Distance(arrCrvDiv[k],crvPt) if dist < newThreshold : vector = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) vector = rs.VectorScale(vector,dblRatio) NewPosition = rs.VectorAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: NewPosition = arrCrvDiv[k] arrNewPos.append(NewPosition) newcurve = rs.AddCurve(arrNewPos,Rebuild) rs.ObjectLayer(newcurve,strLayerNew) rs.DeleteObject(Curves[j]) #rs.ObjectColor(newcurve,[j,j,j]) Curves[j] = newcurve basecrvs = rs.ObjectsByLayer(strLayerNew) if bool(pullGeom[1]) == True: PullAction(srfArr,basecrvs,pullthreshold,snapThreshold,ratio) Main() Update
""" Script written by Luis Quinones Script version Monday, 21 March 2011 20:18:46 """ """each grip point checks its position on the mesh find the corresponding color value that is closest to it that color value 0-1 determines the multiplier for the threshold""" import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs from System.Drawing import Color def Main(): strLayer = rs.AddLayer("ptStore", Color.White) crvArr = rs.GetObjects("Crvs",filter = 4) gens = rs.GetInteger("Generations",4) threshold = rs.GetReal("AttractionThreshold",80) for i in range(gens): for j in range(len(crvArr)): rs.EnableObjectGrips(crvArr[j],enable = True) gripCount = rs.ObjectGripCount(crvArr[j]) for k in range(gripCount-1): gripPos = rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[j],k) count = 0 for m in range(len(crvArr)): crvParam = rs.CurveClosestPoint(crvArr[m],gripPos) crvPt = rs.EvaluateCurve(crvArr[m],crvParam) dist = rs.Distance(crvPt,gripPos) #print newThreshold if dist < threshold and j != m : if count == 0: closestDist = dist closestVec = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,gripPos) count += 1 else: if dist < closestDist: closestDist = dist closestVec = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,gripPos) #closestVec = rs.VectorScale(closestVec,threshMult) count += 1 if count == 0: closestVec = 0,0,0 newPos = rs.VectorAdd(gripPos,closestVec) rs.ObjectGripLocation(crvArr[j],k,newPos) rs.EnableObjectGrips(crvArr[j],False) Main() Update
""" Script written by Luis Quinones Script version Tuesday, 28 June 2011 20:18:46 """ import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import math Gens = rs.GetInteger("Number of Generations",6,1) Curves = rs.GetObjects("Select Base Crvs",rs.filter.curve) AttractorPts = rs.GetObjects("Attractor Points",rs.filter.point) Attract = rs.GetReal("CurvePointAttractionThreshold") attPtThresh = rs.GetReal("AttractorPointThreshold") dblRatio = rs.GetReal("Distance For Vector To Move") Rebuild = rs.GetInteger("Degree To Rebuild Curves") AttractorPtsList = [] for z in range(len(AttractorPts)): AttractorPtsList.append(rs.PointCoordinates(AttractorPts[z])) for i in range(Gens): for j in range(len(Curves)): arrNewPos = [] PointCount = rs.CurvePointCount(Curves[j]) arrCrvDiv = rs.CurvePoints(Curves[j]) if arrCrvDiv: print "BOOM" else: print "Nope" for k in range(PointCount): arrCrvPts = [] if not AttractorPtsList: print "really" indexClosestAtt = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(AttractorPtsList,arrCrvDiv[k]) attPt = AttractorPtsList[indexClosestAtt] dist2 = rs.Distance(attPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) if dist2 < attPtThresh : NewPosition = attPt else: for L in range(len(Curves)): if j != L : arrCrvParam = rs.CurveClosestPoint(Curves[L],arrCrvDiv[k]) crvPt = rs.EvaluateCurve(Curves[L],arrCrvParam) arrCrvPts.append(crvPt) IndClosestCrv = rs.PointArrayClosestPoint(arrCrvPts,arrCrvDiv[k]) #print "NextClosestIndex = ",IndClosestCrv crvPt = arrCrvPts[IndClosestCrv] #print crvPt dist = rs.Distance(arrCrvDiv[k],crvPt) if dist < Attract : vector = rs.VectorCreate(crvPt,arrCrvDiv[k]) vector = rs.VectorScale(vector,dblRatio) NewPosition = rs.VectorAdd(vector,arrCrvDiv[k]) else: NewPosition = arrCrvDiv[k] arrNewPos.append(NewPosition) newcurve = rs.AddCurve(arrNewPos,Rebuild) rs.DeleteObject(Curves[j]) #rs.ObjectColor(newcurve,[j,j,j]) Curves[j] = newcurve
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