university of southern california | small lecture for pre-thesis graduate students [ “emerging” ] university of southern california [ “totally recalled” ] texas tech university [ “total recall” ] tongji university | shanghai | “young blood lecture series” [ “complicitMatter” ] texas tech university [ “the craft of continuing discontinuity” ]
mode lab education | fall 2014 [ autodesk maya ] usc | fall 2014 [ autodesk maya ] twilight zone | blindspot exhibition workshops | fall 2014 [ autodesk maya + pixologic zbrush ]
usc | fall 2013 [ autodesk maya ] texas tech | fall 2012 [ autodesk maya + computational workshop for the ddf [digital design fabrication masters] program] usc american academy in china | design computing workshops | tongji university | shanghai – fall 2012 [ autodesk maya ] sci arc | summer 2011 [ intro to digital design instructor for March 2 program] texas tech | summer 2011 [ grasshopper + python workshop for the ddf [digital design fabrication masters] program] d.o.t.s | summer 2011 | baton rouge, la [ python scripting + autodesk maya workshop] apo mechanes | summer 2011 | athens, greece [ intensive computational workshop ] sci arc | spring 2011 [algorithmic design seminar in conjunction with the march 2 studios with ezio blasetti]