using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Perlin Noise Agents v1.0 - Settings Export Class //--Class Controls the exporting of settings to a text file--Class lives inside the GameController Game Object--The Export Settings button lives in this class //Mode Lab - Written by Luis Quinones //------------------------------------------------------------------------ public class SettingsExport : MonoBehaviour { public Button ExportSettingsButton; public Controller control; //Reference the contoller StreamWriter sw; //Implements a textwriter for writing characters to a stream in a particular encoding private string newfilename; private bool writeFile; public string pathSpecified; public bool runIt; void Start(){ if (runIt) { runIt = false; if (pathSpecified.Length != 0) { print ("Exported Settings"); writeFile = true; } else { return; //Exit if the user hits cancel or does not specify a name for the file } } } void Update(){ if (runIt) { Start(); } if (writeFile) { WriteToFile(pathSpecified); //Call the write to file function and pass the path writeFile = false; //Set the flag to false after we do it once since its in the update function } } public void WriteToFile(string file) { sw = new StreamWriter(file); //Write all the values, use the sw.WriteLine to begin a new line after the value is written sw.Write (control.strengthSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.scaleSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.speedSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.multiplierSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.agentCountSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.dynamicAgentSpawnScrollBar.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (control.spawnScrollBar.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (control.dimensionScrollBar.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (control.physicsScrollBar.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine (); sw.Write (control.trailTimeSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.trailStartWSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.WriteLine(); sw.Write (control.trailEndWSlider.value.ToString ()); sw.Close (); } } Update