

# Net Utilities to build from tv

def net_from_torchvision(hidden_sizes, outputs, hidden_activation, device, 
                        optimizer_name = 'adam', dropout = 0.3, learn_rate = 0.002, 
                        name = 'vgg16', trained = True):

    Generates a model from torchvision, and instatiates a new Neural_Network instance which sets new model 
    as the active model. A new optimizer and criterion are also generated and assigned to the class properties.

        hidden_sizes (list of ints): The hidden layer sizes.
        outputs (int): The number of outputs.
        hidden_activation (str): The hidden layer activation functions (ex. relu, sigmoid, tahn).
        device (str): The gpu or the cpu.
        optimizer_name (str): The optimizer name ('sgd' or 'adam') to update the weights and gradients
        dropout (float): The dropout rate, value to randomly drop input units through training.
        learn_rate (float): The learning rate value, used along with the gradient to update the weights,
            small values ensure that the weight update steps are small enough.
        name (str): The pretrained model name ('vgg16', 'resnet50', 'densenet121').
        trained (bool): If the model has been trained.

        TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class.

        net (nn_model.Neural_Network): An instance of the Neural_Network class with the trained model
            as its model and parameters.

    model = get_pretrained_model(name, trained)
    feature_count = model.classifier[0].in_features

    net = Neural_Network(feature_count, hidden_sizes, outputs, 
                        hidden_activation, device, dropout, learn_rate)

    model.classifier = net.model
    net.model = model

    if optimizer_name != 'adam' and optimizer_name != 'sgd':
        raise ValueError('Please use either SDG or Adam as optimizers')
    elif optimizer_name == 'adam':
        net.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.model.classifier.parameters(), learn_rate)
        net.optimizer = torch.optim.SDG(net.model.classifier.parameters(), learn_rate)

    net.criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

    return net  

def get_pretrained_model(name = 'vgg16', trained = True):
    '''Generates the nn.module container Sequential classfier as the default for this class.

        name (str): The pretrained model name ('vgg16', 'resnet50', 'densenet121').
        trained (bool): If the model has been trained.

        TODO: Update exceptions with error_handling class.

        model (torchvision.models.vgg.VGG): The torch vision model specified

    # get model from torchvision
    if name == 'vgg16':
        model = models.vgg16(pretrained = trained)
    elif name == 'resnet50':
        model = models.resnet50(pretrained = trained)
    elif name == 'densenet121':
        model = models.densenet121(pretrained = trained)
        raise ValueError('Please select from either vgg16, resnet50 or \
                        densenet121 pre-trained models')

    # freeze parameters
    for parameter in model.parameters():
        parameter.requires_grad = False

    return model
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