import argparse import json import torch as t import os import sys from network.net_operations import Net_Operations as net_ops from utilities.net_utils import Net_Utilities as net_utils from utilities.utils import Utilities as utils ''' Predict a flower name from an image along with the probability of that name ''' __author__ = "Luis Quinones" __email__ = "" __status__ = "Prototype" def main(): try: args_dict = {} names = ['image_path', 'model_checkpoint_path', '--top_k', '--category_names', '--gpu'] defaults = [None, None, 3, 'flower_to_name.json', False] types = [str, str, int, str, bool] helpers = ['the path to the image we want to predict', 'the path to the model checkpoint to load', 'return the top k most likely cases', 'Json file with the mapping of categories to real names', 'Use the gpu for computing, if no use cpu'] for i in range(len(names)): data = {} data['name'] = names[i] data['default'] = defaults[i] data['type'] = types[i] data['help'] = helpers[i] args_dict[i] = data # get the args args = utils.get_input_args(args_dict) # variables img_path = args.image_path model_checkpoint = args.model_checkpoint_path top_k = args.top_k categories = args.category_names enable_gpu = args.gpu # check if the img path exist while not os.path.isfile(img_path): img_path = input('Image file does not exist, please input a correct path \n') if img_path == 'quit': exit() # check if the checkpoint file exist while not os.path.isfile(model_checkpoint): model_checkpoint = input('Model checkpoint does not exist, please input a correct path \n') if model_checkpoint == 'quit': exit() while top_k < 1: val = input('Top_k value must be greater than 0, please enter a new value \n') top_k = int(val) # check for gpu if not t.cuda.is_available() and enable_gpu: print('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, we will use the CPU instead') response = input('Your device does not have a CUDA capable device, would you like to run it on the CPU instead? Enter Yes or No -> ') while response not in ('yes', 'no'): if response.lower() == 'yes': break elif response.lower() == "no": print('exiting the program') exit() else: print('Please respond yes or no ') enable_gpu = False # load from checkpoint and set device mfcp = net_utils.load_neural_net(model_checkpoint, 'eval') mfcp.device = 'cuda' if enable_gpu else 'cpu' # load json data with open(categories, 'r') as f: categories_to_name = json.load(f) # make the predictions results_dict = net_ops.predict(mfcp, img_path, categories_to_name, topk = top_k) names = [categories_to_name[x] for x in results_dict['idx_to_class']] # get flower name from path flower_name = categories_to_name[img_path.split('/')[-2]] # print the top n results print('FLOWER NAME IS {} \n'.format(flower_name.upper())) print('THE TOP {} RESULTS ARE:'.format(top_k)) for i, name in enumerate(names): print('Name = {} \nProbability = {} \n'.format(name, results_dict['probabilities'][i])) except Exception as ex: raise ex if __name__ == "__main__": main()